
Going to the movies made easy for those with hearing loss

Heading to the multiplex to buy a ticket to the latest blockbuster or perhaps to that unsung drama that’s too good to miss is starting to become popular, once again. In years past, many people with hearing loss were left out. While the theatre provided an immersive, all-inclusive setting with awesome sound quality for the


Tips for Traveling with Hearing Loss 

A lot of the hearing loss advice out there has to with living everyday life and making it easier for people to communicate with friends and family. But what about folks who like to venture away from home once in a while? Travelers with hearing loss face a unique set of challenges. Let’s take a


Do Your Heart and Your Hearing a Favor 

You may not realize it, but a healthy heart is also important to maintaining healthy hearing. Like everything else in our bodies, the mechanisms that allow us to hear rely on healthy blood flow. Tiny vessels located in the inner ear are vital to powering the organ that translates soundwave vibrations into electrical impulses for


Tips to improve communication for those with hearing loss 

Almost 100 years ago, in 1927, the Federation of Organizations for the Hard of Hearing introduced the National Hearing Week. By 1972, the event expanded to the Better Speech and Hearing month, celebrated in May of each year to advocate for communication disorders among those who are hearing impaired or have other communication difficulties.  This


Burnaby Hearing Test Award 2022


Hearing loss links to other health issues

The Link Between Hearing Loss, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes  A healthy heart not only helps you live longer but can help you hear longer too. Did you know that hearing loss is directly linked to your overall health, especially your cardiovascular health?  Research has recently proved that hearing loss is linked to cardiovascular disease and


Our Awards 2022


Age and hearing loss

  The human brain is made up of approximately one hundred billion neurons. Information travels between these neurons to comprehend everything we see, think and do.  So, what happens to our brain as we age and our senses start to fail?  March is brain awareness month and we want to talk about how cognitive decline


Three Steps to Maintain Better Hearing in the New Year!

The bells have stopped ringing, the horns are all quiet, the fireworks spent and the countdown is finished. The dancing is done, the frivolity’s over, the toasts have been made and our resolutions proclaimed. The party may be over, but the new year stretches before us, glimmering with hope, new possibilities and the potential for


Celebrating World Hearing Day with top 10 Hearing Loss Books for Children 

 “To hear for life, listen with care.” These wise words can help us navigate life, whether or not we or a loved one suffers from hearing loss. This is the theme of World Hearing Day, which is sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO).  This event, celebrated on March 3rd of each year, seeks to