
April Showers Bring… Hearing Protection!

The Importance of Rainy Season Ear Care. April showers are a quintessential part of the spring season, but while many of us embrace thenrefreshing rains, we often overlook the potential risks they pose to our ears. Exposure to water during the rainy season can significantly impact ear health. Moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for


Navigating Your Hearing

Assessment Journey: What to Expect Before, During, and After Embarking on a journey to address your hearing health can be empowering! At our clinic, we prioritize providing comprehensive care, ensuring you are well-informed and supported throughout every step of the process. Here’s a guide on what to expect before, during, and after your hearing assessment


Hearing Loss and Heart Health: Understanding the Connection

Hearing problems are usually treated on their own, but new research shows a surprising link between hearing issues and heart health. This understanding helps us see these health problems in a more complete way and encourages a broader approach to taking care of our overall health. What kind of connection? Understanding the intricate connection between


 Prioritize Your Hearing Health in 2024 

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the significance of our hearing health. However, as we step into the new year, let’s make a conscious effort to prioritize our auditory well-being. Our ability to hear connects us to the world around us, allowing us to enjoy music, engage in


Diabetes and Hearing Health 

The Link Between Diabetes and Hearing Health  On November 14th, World Diabetes Day will be observed. The 14th is especially significant in Canada, since it is the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who worked with Charles H Best to discover insulin in Toronto in the early 20th century. Their discovery saved millions of lives over


 Practice Safe Listening 

The concept of practicing safe listening may seem to be a bit silly. After all, if the noise doesn’t hurt your ears, it should be safe. Right? Not necessarily. Some sounds, like a band at a rock concert, the sound of a factory or even the noise of a busy city street, that are heard


This Fall Take Steps to Better Hearing

Fall is in the air! The days are getting colder, and the breeze starts to have a chilly bite that feels more like wind. But the leaves are turning colours, and the trees offer a kaleidoscopic array of oranges and reds, yellows and purples, that brightens our days and makes the cold a tiny bit


Hearing Loss Impacts our Furry Friends Too!

In his 1868 book, The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Charles Darwin mentioned white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. Was he right about white-haired, blueeyed cats? Yes, he was. Many studies have found that white-haired, blue-eyed cats were either completely deaf or deaf in one ear, with the other ear being


Risk of Falls Linked to Hearing Loss

Falling, even slipping and landing on a flat floor, is a very dangerous accident, especially for the elderly. Falls can even be twice as deadly as automobile accidents amongst the elderly. Plus, amongst other types of injuries, falls are more fatal, they cause more hospitalizations, bring more Canadians to the emergency room and cause more


Visit a Hearing Health Expert

May has arrived. Springtime is finally here! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping. The world is coming to life once again! May also brings us Better Speech & Hearing Month, brought to us by Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC). This month, SAC will reach out to our communities